Kindergarten B.L.U.E. Leaders: Trip chose to help other struggling students when building 3D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks. He used appropriate words and a soft smile. Thanks for helping us teach, Trip! Josephine showed great respect in the classroom when she had accidently bumped another student making them cry. She immediately rushed to their side to make sure they were okay and apologize.
18 days ago, Jillian Bluck
3rd Grade B.L.U.E. Leaders: Heireonna and Cannon were very respectful and acting as leaders during social emotional learning in the library. They were demonstrating BLUE behavior and were role models for their classmates.
18 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Thought you saw Miss Leedy's Biology class skipping class? Nope! 😂 They were on a top-secret (not really) scavenger hunt mission! Hallway teamwork at its finest. Who knew learning could be this much fun?
19 days ago, Denny Hammond
Help support our Adena Junior class by going to Chipotle this Wednesday! See attached flier for full details.
19 days ago, Denny Hammond
Today's 1st grade B.L.U.E. Leaders are Nina and Joelle. Nina was nominated by several students because they often see Nina helping people when they are hurt. She is nice. Joelle was nominated by a classmate because she is good and listens. She was nominated by her teacher because she is always ready to answer questions!
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Today's 4th grade B.L.U.E. Leaders are Madalynn and Sarah. Maddy is an excellent student. She has been diligently working on all her assignments and is putting forth extra effort. She is kind and pleasant to everyone she comes in contact with. Our world needs kind, hardworking individuals! Way to go Maddy! Sarah is a joy to have in class. She is always paying attention and volunteering to answer questions. Sarah stays on task and completes assignments. She is always kind and pleasant to anyone she comes in contact with. Thank you Sarah for being a great student and a great person!
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Today's 3rd grade B.L.U.E. Leaders are Remi and Jerren. Remi has been a great leader this week!! He has been a great friend to our new student. Jerren is a great PAX leader! He is always ready to help everyone in the classroom He loves sharing his knowledge and helping others.
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Today's second grade B.L.U.E. leader is Gracie. Gracie comes to school every day with a smile on her face and ready to work. She is very kind and polite to her teacher and classmates.
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Today's kindergarten B.L.U.E. leaders are Apollo and Harper.. Apollo brought a book that he had been enjoying and read quietly to another student! He was very kind! Harper is doing amazing things in the classroom. She is facing some fears and pushing through so she can learn the best she can. She is a great friend with an awesome smile. Keep up the great work!
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Ms. Reisinger wanted to recognize one class for being committed, safe, respectful, and having school pride. Miss Glandon's homeroom consistently works hard, has smooth transitions, gets along, plays fair, and treats everyone with kindness. She would keep them the whole day if she could. She reports that it's just rare to have a class that vibes so well together and never causes any issues.
19 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Sawyer always comes to school ready to learn, he stays focused, and he always works hard. Garrison has been answering questions when asked. He is also volunteering in class to answer questions! This is a big achievement for him! Alex is self sufficient. She only needs to be told or shown something one time and she is able to complete tasks by herself! Caroline has been working very hard in the classroom. She exhibits great behavior in all areas of the building. She is kind and respectful to everyone. Layla takes pride in being an Adena Warrior. She chose to show off her B.L.U.E. behavior while holding the door for many staff and students. Thank you Layla! Teegan took pride in keeping the classroom organized. Without any prompt, he chose to help put up chairs, put away baskets, and kindly ask Miss Angel if there was anything else. Way to be awesome! Jackson is always so kind and helpful to other students. Today he gave his crackers to another student who didn't like anything she had on her tray. Ella always works so hard in class and never gives up. She follows directions daily and is a great example of a PAX leader. Wyatt is a great listener, he is very truthful, and he is always doing what he is supposed to be doing! Reed is very respectful, he has wonderful manners, and he is always listening! Gracelyn has been reported by her classmates as being one of the kindest students in the room. She is always listening, she shows kindness to everyone around her, and she has a wonderful positive attitude! Zephyr always comes to music ready to sing! She does a great job of sitting quietly and listening during instruction, and singing loud and proud during our songs! Cannon is a student that is consistently committed to being his best while he is at school. Whether it it completing his work, helping his peers, cleaning the classroom or following our school wide behavior expectations, Cannon is going to strive to do it with excellence. Keep being and incredible BLUE Leader, Cannon! : ) While working in our room, Anthony noticed a peer of his was struggling with a tasks. Instead of participating in the reward task for finishing his work, Anthony took his time to help the peer complete the task and then invite the peer to join him for the reward task. This is just one example of many where Anthony has included others. Way to be a great friend, Anthony! Ellisyn is always willing to try in the classroom. She is always kind and thoughtful towards her teacher and classmates. She is always concerned about others feelings and making sure they feel loved.
20 days ago, Jillian Bluck
Please see the following notice from Paul Thomas, Athletic Director, regarding banquets for Basketball.
23 days ago, Tim Dettwiller
Banquet Anouncement
This week, Miss Warrens 8th grade science🧪🔬 class started exploring🗺️ evolution through a hands-on lab demonstrating the advantage of opposable thumbs👍! In this activity, students attempt tasks with and without the use of their thumbs to experience how this adaptation improves dexterity and survival.
23 days ago, Denny Hammond
We're bursting with Warrior Pride!💙Four of our amazing students, Addison Hughes, Allison Ashcraft, Ryland Rutherford, and Jacob Ashcraft competed against 20 top spellers from 5 schools at the Ross County Spelling Bee.🐝 They all did a fantastic job, and we're thrilled to announce that our very own Addison Hughes took home the championship title🏆, with Allison Ashcraft as the runner-up!🥈 What an incredible achievement! 🎉 A huge round of applause for all our spellers! 👏
24 days ago, Denny Hammond
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24 days ago, Adena Local Schools
Tomorrow at 7:30 am our Wrestlers will be STATE BOUND to the Shott in Columbus! Please show them support by lining Main Street to send them off! Due to morning traffic at the school, we ask that you line Main Street in town to show your support!
24 days ago, Tim Dettwiller
🌟 Congratulations, Margaret Kight! 🌟 A huge shoutout to Margaret Kight for being recognized by the Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Superintendents for her outstanding service to Adena Local Schools! 🎉 Margaret is a constant source of positivity and support for our students and staff. She takes pride in the successes of others and works tirelessly to create a positive and encouraging environment for everyone at Adena. We are so grateful for her dedication and the impact she makes every day! Please join us in celebrating Margaret’s well-deserved recognition! 👏💙 #AdenaPride #ThankYouMargaret #WarriorStrong
27 days ago, Adena Local Schools
Principal Hayden did an excellent job today. Her message to all the students was, "Listen to your teacher."
about 1 month ago, Jillian Bluck
The B.L.U.E. leaders are everywhere. Check out all of these amazing kids.
about 1 month ago, Jillian Bluck