Important Transportation Message Due to driver shortages Adena Schools will have to alter bus schedules on Friday, February 18th, for the afternoon route only. Students riding bus 2 and living on Shepherd and Simmons Roads will be riding bus 18 and will be about 35 minutes late compared to their normal drop-off. Students living on Egypt Pike and Bushmill Road will be about 15 to 20 minutes late and will be riding bus 14. Students living on Clark Lane will be riding bus 17 but should be dropped off at the normal time. Students at the Frankfort Pizza, High Street and Anderson Avenue stops will be riding bus 11 and dropped off at the regular times.
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
SVC and Sectional Champs! 🏀
about 3 years ago, Kristine Coriell
varsity girls
On February 22nd, Mrs. Christina Martin will be recognized by The Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools (CORAS) for her great efforts as a teacher at Adena Elementary! Mrs. Martin will be receiving the Outstanding Elementary Teacher Star Polisher Award. Mrs. Martin truly loves her students and wants the best for them. This is evident each day. She also does everything she can to help her colleagues when needed and is a positive voice in the building. A great asset to Adena Local Schools! Great work, Mrs. Christina Martin!
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
In recognition of Adena High School students and their willingness to cope and cooperate with this year's Covid-19 protocols, and to recognize their outstanding exercise of their Constitutional right to peacefully petition, and present their petition in a polite and pleasant manner, Adena Local Schools will operate in a 2-hour delay on Monday, February 14th. Enjoy your Sunday evening and the memories it will leave with you. Be responsible, and be back to school Monday ready to get back to work. Well done, students!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Elementary Newsletter, Issue 22 In our latest issue of the newsletter, we have announced the dates that our elementary will be visiting the Columbus Zoo! Of course, our students still need to fill up the Big Blue Jug with tickets! This requires great behavior over the next couple months. Also, a reminder that our kindergarten registration is Thursday, March 31st from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday, April 1st from 8:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Kindergarten students will not have school on Friday, April 1st. Have a great day! Josh Jones
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Check out the creativity of our fourth grade! In Mrs. Lusk’s art class, they have made replicas of some of their favorite food choices. Their artwork looks so real, that you almost want to grab a bite as you walk by. Great work!
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Our high school FCCLA surprised the elementary by making Valentine’s Day boxes to help elementary students that may not have had a box for their class party. Thank you to Ms. Hampton and our students in FCCLA! It was appreciated.
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Valentines Day
Students in Mrs. Eiring's 10th period science class have been studying the differences between plant and animal cells. Peytan Lemaster, Janee Johnson, Haylee Davey, Makenna May created a "replica" of an animal cell using a confetti cake as the dna in the cytoplasm. It was decorated with many candies to represent the parts of the animal cell. It was a delicious science activity!!
about 3 years ago, Adena Local Schools
Congratulations to the Adena Elementary PAX Students of the Month for January! Keep up the great work! Front Row- (K) Evelyn Hernandez. (1st) Lillian Seckman Back Row- (5th) Ashlyn Noble (3rd) Madeline James (2nd) Cyrus Sneddon
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Our elementary students have been working on their PAX behavior daily, but have one question for Mr. Jones. What is the reward for filling up the Big Blue Jug? Students will find out tomorrow and parents will get more details in our next newsletter. However, here is a clue that can calm the anxiety :). Home to nearly 11,000 animals.
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
blue jug
Road conditions have improved! Buses can now travel on Sulphur Lick and Shiloh Roads for this afternoon's drop-off and normal routes/times going forward. Thanks!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Local Schools have been awarded $3,676 from the South Central Power Foundation to purchase a virtual reality system. A complete kit of hardware, licenses, and apps will support middle and high school educational content aligned to our curriculum. It will allow for virtual field trips and exploration into the human body, the oceans, and outer space. Students can experience careers first-hand and perform virtual labs or even car repairs. We appreciate South Central Power's ongoing support of our students.
about 3 years ago, Ben Buchwalter
Adena Schools will be open on regular schedule February 8th. Students on Shiloh and Sulphur Lick Roads please meet at the corner of Smalley Lane and Sulphur Lick at 7:05 a.m. for pickup. Roads have improved greatly but there is still the possibility of refreeze at night from melting. Roadways are narrow so students driving to school please use caution and reduced speeds. You will have to use great care on district roadways and the parking lot. They are still frozen over with the sleet/freezing rain/snow of last week. Parents, please be careful in the drop-off and pickup lines. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Super Bowl Spirit Week:
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Middle School 1st semester awards rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 10th,2022. 7th grade at 8:15 and 8th grade at 9:15 in the Auditeria.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Schools are CLOSED Monday, February 7th. We fully anticipate being back in session on Tuesday. Roads made considerable progress today but one more day will be better for buses and kids. Drive carefully and stay safe.
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Building remains closed today for more work on lots and roadways. We hope to have things cleared and in condition for traffic by this evening. A decision for school tomorrow will be made late this afternoon or early evening after we see how much roads improve today. Thanks for your patience. We are making progress.
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
We are starting to clear the lots and roadways at school today. The underlying layer of ice is very slick. Campus and the building will remain closed. All school activities are suspended today. Sunday should provide a day of melting. We will assess and update tomorrow afternoon or early evening. If venturing out today drive carefully and give road crews the room they need. Stay Warrior Strong!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Middle School 8th tournament games scheduled for tomorrow morning will be play on Monday. Boys will be at Unioto at 5. The girls will be at home also starting at 5.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Elementary Newsletter, Issue 21 We hope everyone is staying safe and warm. A reminder that students will need to turn in their packets that were sent home when they return on Monday. Have a great weekend! Josh Jones Elementary Principal Adena Local Schools
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones