Adena Schools will be open on regular schedule February 8th. Students on Shiloh and Sulphur Lick Roads please meet at the corner of Smalley Lane and Sulphur Lick at 7:05 a.m. for pickup. Roads have improved greatly but there is still the possibility of refreeze at night from melting. Roadways are narrow so students driving to school please use caution and reduced speeds. You will have to use great care on district roadways and the parking lot. They are still frozen over with the sleet/freezing rain/snow of last week. Parents, please be careful in the drop-off and pickup lines. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Super Bowl Spirit Week:
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Middle School 1st semester awards rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 10th,2022. 7th grade at 8:15 and 8th grade at 9:15 in the Auditeria.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Schools are CLOSED Monday, February 7th. We fully anticipate being back in session on Tuesday. Roads made considerable progress today but one more day will be better for buses and kids. Drive carefully and stay safe.
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Building remains closed today for more work on lots and roadways. We hope to have things cleared and in condition for traffic by this evening. A decision for school tomorrow will be made late this afternoon or early evening after we see how much roads improve today. Thanks for your patience. We are making progress.
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
We are starting to clear the lots and roadways at school today. The underlying layer of ice is very slick. Campus and the building will remain closed. All school activities are suspended today. Sunday should provide a day of melting. We will assess and update tomorrow afternoon or early evening. If venturing out today drive carefully and give road crews the room they need. Stay Warrior Strong!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Adena Middle School 8th tournament games scheduled for tomorrow morning will be play on Monday. Boys will be at Unioto at 5. The girls will be at home also starting at 5.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Elementary Newsletter, Issue 21 We hope everyone is staying safe and warm. A reminder that students will need to turn in their packets that were sent home when they return on Monday. Have a great weekend! Josh Jones Elementary Principal Adena Local Schools
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Reminder- All school activities suspended through today. Ross Co remains at Level 3 Snow Emergency. County and Township trucks are just beginning to move out. The building is CLOSED to all staff and students today. We want time to get the lots and sidewalks in shape (as best we can) today. We will assess Saturday's status in the morning and post an update. Stay home. Stay safe!
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
If you are interested in Adena Elementary's Preschool Program for the 2022-2023 school year, please complete the form by clicking this link:
about 3 years ago, Ben Buchwalter
This picture was sent to us from a facilitator of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Ohio program. There are a lot of Big Brothers and Big Sisters out there! The facilitators of the program are doing great things with our youth and have big plans for those in the program to help them continue to grow.
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Big Brothers
Mandatory College Credit Plus Meeting: Students in grades 7-11 received a College Credit Plus informational flyer in their school email today. There is also information about College Credit Plus on the Guidance section of the high school website, as well as on the Ohio Department of Education’s website. Students interested in participating in CC+ at any time during the 2022-2023 school year must attend the informational meeting to be held in the school auditeria at 6pm on Thursday, February 24th. A parent or guardian must be in attendance. Please contact Mrs. Shea at Samantha.shea@adenalocalschools with any questions you have.
about 3 years ago, Adena Local Schools
Adena Middle School: 7th and 8th grade first semester awards have been rescheduled for Friday, February 4th, 2022. 7th grade at 8:15 and 8th grade at 9:15 in the auditeria.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Congratulations, Brandon Smith! Warrior Nation is proud of you and wishes you great success as you serve your country!
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Adena Elementary Announcement: Attached is Adena Elementary Newsletter, Issue 20. It also contains the Adena PTO February Calendar raffle. Drawings start next week after school.
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Adena Local Schools are closed, January 28th
about 3 years ago, John Balzer
Please click the link below to read important information regarding our preschool program for the upcoming school year.
about 3 years ago, Adena Local Schools
Adena MS boys and girls basketball games against Westfall have be postponed. No makeup date determined at this time.
about 3 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Adena Elementary Announcement: Attached is the 19th edition of our elementary newsletter. This letter includes information about the Adena PTO calendar raffle and an update on our PBIS program. Josh Jones Elementary Principal Adena Local Schools
about 3 years ago, Josh Jones
Adena Middle School was awarded $2,500 through the @OSLN STEM Classroom Grant Program, funded by @Battelle. OSLN is committed to supporting 'STEM for All' by exposing traditionally underserved students to STEM exploration. The grant allows the purchase of resources from NASA, Apogee Rockets, and Estes Rockets to provide hands-on experiences through the Launching Learning project. Each student will design, build, and launch their own model rocket, studying the parts, flight phases, engines, launch set-up, safety code, and ways to chart their data. We are honored to be chosen as a recipient in the very first year of this program. Grant information and a complete list of winners can be found at
about 3 years ago, Ben Buchwalter